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A study has revealed how smartphones are causing back ailments and other health scares, so here are some of the hazards caused by your mobile device...

Back pain

Our obsession with smartphones has led to a rise in the number of young people with back problems, according to the British Chiropractic Association. The amount of time spent leaning over a small phone screen can put spinal discs under pressure. Technological lifestyles account for a 60 per cent rise in back pain from last year. 


More than 60 per cent of 18-29 year old smartphone users admitted taking their phone to bed with them. However studies have revealed that just two hours of exposure to brightly lit devices can supress melatonin, therefore making it hard to sleep. You can read more about the effects of smartphones on sleep and hear from someone who suffered with sleep depravation by clicking here.



Young people can spend up to 11 hours a day staring at their smartphone screen, expecting constant updates and messages. But when a lull in the texting hits, some can be left feeling anxious and a number of youngsters feel the compelling urge to constatnly check their phone.


Social skills have also been depleted thanks to the amount of time we focus on our smartphone, instead of those around us. This is particularly apparent among children, who are increasingly ignored by smartphone-obsessed parents.

Aches and pains

Using a smartphone device can trigger neck pain and discomfort in your hands. The misalignment from leaning over a screen can strain muscles and cause wear and tear on the structures of the neck. By using your smartphone for too long also puts you at risk of hand ache or repetitive strain injury. Read Jenna's story here.

